Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin

A lot of my friends have been asking me what I think of McCain's choice for VP: Sarah Palin. Well, I have a few thoughts, and here they are...

1) she looks like Tine Fey, which makes me like her on a superficial level. After all, Tina Fey is both super-cute and wickedly funny. Is Sarah funny too? We'll have to wait and see.

2) if McCain gets elected, it's quite likely that he will die in office (especially if he were to be re-elected). Well, I don't know that Palin could handle being president. And given that 'inexperience' is the big Republican criticism of Obama, Palin becomes a rather odd choice.

3) Her husband, Todd, is super hot. Sarah must like husky, bear-type guys, which means we have something in common.

4) it's pretty cool how she came to be Governor of Alaska. As far as Palin goes, she seems to be a *real* republican, not like these freaky nazi-esque neo-cons who are in office now.

5) she's pro-life. If I could conceive, I would probably be pro-life too. But I can't, and it's really not my concern anyway since I don't have a uterus.

6) Liberals will want us to believe that she would stack the supreme court with crazy right-wing judges. But maybe not. The first George Bush wasn't too bad when it came to nominating justices, and I think that McCain would probably be more moderate than his predecessor.

7) Her husband, Todd, is still really hot. (Do you think he's gay?)

Alright, that's the lo-down. Palin's pretty dope in my book and has excellent taste in men. Does that qualify her to be VP? Well, in America, why not?


parallelliott said...

another view:

J. Maggio said...

Christ, Eric:

1. She believes gays should not have federal jobs.

2. She thinks creationism should be taught in school, instead of evolution

3. Supported Pat Buchannan in 2000.

4. First left the country at all in 2007

5. Forced schools to teach abstinence, but her teenage daughter is pregnant. (The daughter is off the table, teaching abstinence.)

6. Under investigation for abuse of power

7. She is also suing the federal government over listing the polar bears as a threatened species.

Ericstotle said...

well Jay, I'm not going to vote for her. I simply think she's a pretty outspoken, brash woman who has shaken up the republican party. But you're right, I should have put more in my post about her nut-job qualities. Thanks for your addition.

parallelliott said...

but now you are going to vote for her!